Progress not perfection

We get so caught up in being perfect and changing so God will love us. God’s love is not the reward after we change. That’s religion talking. Our heavenly father wants a relationship with us. God’s love is what helps us to change and progress. God is our source, and everything else is just a resource. We don’t have to be perfect for God to use us. God wants us just as we are. That brokenness and hurt, he sees you, loves you, and is here for you. All you have endured is your story, your testimony; it is how you bring others to know God. 

So many times, I found myself trying to be a “good Christian,” trying to do things the right way, cover my mess, and put on a happy face. Never failed; every time, I would go months of what I thought was doing good and being good. Only to get exhausted and fed up. By the end of a month or sometimes even two, I would find myself saying, “I’m getting taken advantage of or getting walked over being nice…time for the real Mandy to come back out”. Then I would go back to the old me, saying and doing what I wanted and making time for God on Sundays. Making my post about scriptures or the message from church on Sunday, but still living that same old lifestyle and wondering why I felt like I was failing God. It hit me after years and years of trying and not getting it. I wasn’t made to do it alone. I need God, and I have to put him first. That means spending time in His word and His presence every day and multiple times a day. But Jesus said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God Luke 18:27.

I had to get to the point where I owned my past, my mistakes, my failures, all the things that didn’t work out and that have been holding me back. Next, I had to take them to my papa in heaven and release it all to him. Sometimes that took me going back to him multiple times in one day, some stuff I still bring to him each morning. This year I have realized that people judge and want to hold me accountable for my mistakes, but our daddy in heaven wants us to bring it to him, and he will cover my mess and work it all out on our behalf. He wants to use me just as I am, right where I am. I have learned that there is so much freedom in doing so, and through this, I can finally accept his unconditional love.

I want to encourage you; whatever season you are in, God wants you to know that he is with you every step of the way. He wants you to lean into him at your weakest so that he can turn your story around. Take your mess and turn it into a message, your brokenness, into a masterpiece. Sister, he wants you to lean in and cry out to him! He is our strength and our rock. So lean in and cry out, even if you don’t have the words! Your daddy in heaven has you in his hand’s sweet friend. Break down and give it to God and then turn on that music and dance it out. I know because I have been here and am still here walking it out with Jesus by my side.

That mess and those mistakes you made weren’t by accident. Your heavenly Father is right there with you, waiting on you to call on him to intercede on your behalf. All you have been through is so you can relate to and tell others. Your story and how you overcame with God, how through Christ, we are healed. How his amazing grace covered you. You see, I used to think God couldn’t use me like others because my past was a mess, and I wasn’t and still am not worthy, But his amazing grace covers all my mistakes and mess. The King of kings loves me. Handpicked and chosen, set apart for a purpose, I don’t have to hide my past or my mistakes, my heavenly father knows everything about me, and he loves me more than anyone ever could.

Are you tired of striving for perfection and running on the hamster wheel to nowhere but insanity? Girl, I have been there; some days, I am still there, but I am learning to call out to our daddy in heaven who loves us and wants nothing more than to spend time with us. We have to take it to him and ask him to step in on our behalf. Dig into his word and spend time with him. Praise and worship have been the key for me to keep my eyes on God. Dancing and praising God in the middle of the mess is where you find him. Please know this, if it’s not good, God is not done. Keep pressing and leaning into him. Turn up the music and soak in God’s presence, step outside and listen to the love song he is singing you, the birds, the wind, the beautiful sky; he is speaking to your heart. 

Today, I challenge you to sit with God, ask him to show you any areas in your life that you have been holding on to that are holding you back from basking in his love and living in his fullness. If you need a friend to pray with you or for you, please reach out. I want nothing more than for you to get the freedom found in God. 

Heavenly Father, I thank you for everyone reading this.  We thank you that you are not looking for perfection. We thank you for your love, even at our weakest. Father, thank you for in our weakness; you are our strength, and your grace is sufficient. We thank you for speaking to our hearts about what is holding us back from basking in your love and presence. Father, we know that you are faithful and true and take our weakness, mess, and mistakes and work it all for our good. Father God, make us new in you, keep our eyes on you, establish us, and strengthen our roots. Help us not to get caught up in the day-to-day but to let go and let you take care of it all. Father, help us to focus on your goodness and love today. Open our eyes to all that you have prepared for us in this precious gift of life. Thank you for you are in every detail and provide us with every want, need, and desire. We praise you and give you all the glory! In your son Jesus mighty name, amen. 

Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest on me.