Your girl has Issues

Y’all, I may have lost it in the car and acted like a toddler yesterday!  We were twenty minutes from the house in the city on our way to a game. I turned to Leo and said, “you have your cleats, right?” His silence let me know the answer.  I freaked for a second or maybe two! Maybe even said a few choice words. I didn’t have time to think of a solution. Should I drive back twenty minutes to the house to get the cleats or head to the game with slides? I went the wrong way twice, made a loop, and then headed to the game. I even yelled at my little one when he tried to calm me down. Once I got my GPS back on and figured out where I was going, I turned and apologized to the boys. We got to the game. I dropped him off and told him to explain to his coach that he left his cleats, and I ran to get some new cleats. I run like a crazy lady to get to the nearest sporting goods store. Feeling like a crappy mom for losing my ever-living mind and acting like a crazy person. Then God reminded me that His grace is enough. At that moment, I was reminded to give Leo the same grace I so desperately needed. 

I get to the park and run up cleats in hand as I see our team up to bat. Running like a crazy person with a walk of shame (like, yup, my kid is the one with no cleats, unprepared), Only to have the other moms tell me my kid made an amazing out! You see, while I was busy trying to work out the solution and getting mad and honestly throwing a tantrum, our heavenly father had already worked it out. Leo was able to borrow someone else’s cleats until I got there. He went on to have a decent game despite all the madness on the way there. After the game, I turned and apologized again, and that’s when my little Lennox said, “mom, while you were yelling, I covered my ears and asked God to help us!” Insert the tears. Yall, this momma’s heart was proud and overjoyed. They are watching and learning. Yes, I made a mistake, and yes, I acted ugly BUT God! He took that and turned it into a teachable moment. I turned and thanked Lennox for praying at the moment. It was a great lesson for them and me. When we give it to God, He will fix it. We don’t have to figure it out and hustle to develop the solution. We need to take it to Him first and let Him do what HE does. 

Every morning I bring my issues to my lord and savior! Most days, I bring them back to him multiple times! I am finally figuring out that I don’t have to be perfect or have it all together! My God, my daddy in heaven is the solution before I have the problem! He is already working it out! If I have to go through it, I trust that he will use it to make me better! Sometimes it’s so I will trust him and lean in, and sometimes it’s so I can relate to others and help bring them to Him! He is using me! I have to hold on to him and trust him! Easier said than done with you are going through it right! Lol

 I’m a fixer by nature, so it’s so hard for me to let go and let God! I’m learning how amazing it is to have an open door to heaven! Like seriously, we get to talk to God, our father, Jesus, our savior, the Holy Spirit, our guide anytime we want!! We get to call on the king of kings, the sovereign one to step in on our behalf! God has really been showing me that I can do all things through Christ! Sister, I am here to encourage you! You can too! You can have it all through Christ, our Lord, and savior!!! Freely given, all we have to do is bring it to him to work it out and trust and believe that he can and will!!! His ways are higher, and sometimes that’s hard for us to wrap our minds around, especially in a world of instant gratification-guilty. God has bigger and better plans! He always comes through with so much more than what I planned or thought would happen! He will come through! Right on time!

I’m learning that every issue or problem I have is a chance for me to grow deeper in God, to trust deeper, or a lesson to learn.  If I bring every issue to my Heavenly Father, he will use it to increase me! At times he is strengthening my faith. At other times I am learning patience and grace for others! No matter how many times I mess up or feel like I am failing, His grace is more than enough. He is not looking for perfection, He wants a relationship, He wants my heart and yours too. All through the bible, God uses imperfect people like me!

Father God, we come to you today thankful. You see our mess, mistakes, and issues and turn them for our good and glory God. Thank you for loving us unconditionally and being so patient with us. Thank you for all You are, all You are doing, all You will do, and all that You have already done. You are an awesome God and a good good father. You are mighty to save! Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking that you would search our hearts and help us to turn to you with it all. Help us release anything that we have been trying to fix or solve. Father God, even the stuff we try to hide from ourselves. Let us lean into you and grow deeper in you and what you are doing in us right now so you can use us to help others who don’t know you, papa. 

Father, let us feel your peace and presence as we give all our troubles, fears, doubt, anxious thoughts, and mess to you today. For we know, you are a man of your word, and you have plans to love us, bless us, and increase us. Papa, raise our awareness of you and your presence and power in us and work through us, oh God. Please help us to seek you first! Empower us with your amazing grace so that we may bless others with good works and your love. Let it be evident we spent time with you today, oh God. We praise your holy name and ask it all through your mighty son Jesus Amen. 

1 Peter 5:10  After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first God’s Kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well. 

Deuteronomy 7:12-13 And this is what will happen: When you, on your part, will obey these directives, keeping and following them, God, on his part, will keep the covenant of loyal love that he made with your ancestors:

    He will love you,

    he will bless you,

    he will increase you.