About me

Welcome to Radiant and Righteous; my name is Mandy!  I live right outside St Louis with my hubs, three beautiful children, two dogs, and baby number four on the way! I am originally from Ky (it will always be home…Go CATS!). After moving in 2016 and leaving everything I had ever known, God started revealing all the things I had tied my identity to. It has been wild, crazy, scary, exciting, fun, and flat-out hard. I wouldn’t trade a minute of it (okay, maybe a few minutes).  During this time, God has shown me so much about myself and the life I was living. Who I was, who I was becoming, and the parts of me I have so desperately needed to let go of. God has truly been revealing all the labels I was hiding behind!

My heart is to help women discover their true identity in Christ and walk it out with Him! I am called to serve women like me who have lost themselves in all the labels life puts on us. The woman who knows there is so much more than going through the motions and wishing the week away! She is ready to discover herself in all-new ways by going deeper with God and finding everything else falling into place! I serve women by walking with them, helping them come up with solutions to serve God, their families better, and themselves, encouraging, and praying with them and for them along the way! Part of us working together is teaching them the tools and being a guide to walk with them toward God and their God-sized dreams! My goal is to help her walk into a life of abundance and security found only in Him! By doing so she is empowered to walk in our authority as His daughters and discover all that truly means!

I started this blog to share my story with the not-so-average momma, like me, who wants to live their best life to the fullest, with no regrets—all the while juggling fifty things at once. I don’t have all the answers, but I know the one who does. He calls you chosen, His beloved, His daughter, Radiant and Righteous, and He is always with us.  Ready to guide us on this journey of life.  A journey that we aren’t meant to handle alone. Stick around as I uncover how God has been working in me and through me and what he wants for you too!  If you love life hacks and a sisterhood community of God-minded women, continue reading because this is the place for you.

I would be honored to use my gifts to work with you, encourage, and pray for you in any way! Let’s connect today to see if we could work together!